Modbus RTU Master with Analog IO


Modbus RTU Master with Analog IO DAT9011
Modbus RTU Master with Analog IO DAT9011
• Modbus Controller.
• 1 Universal Input T/C's, RTD's, mA, Volts, Pot, Resistance.
• 1 Analog 4-20mA, 0-10Volts Input.
• 2 x Analog 4-20mA Outputs.
• 2 Digital Inputs.
• 2 SPDT Relay Outputs.
• Modbus RS485 Master.
• Modbus RS485, Slave.
• Modbus Ethernet 10 Base-T Modbus TCP.
General Description

The Modbus RTU Master with Analog IO device DAT9011 is a Modbus master that can control a network of Modbus slaves. The DAT9011 is an Intelligent device able to read and write the field values and perform logical and mathematical functions. The DAT9011 can be used as a Master or Slave, and is equipped with analog and digital inputs and outputs. The DAT9011 has RS485, and Ethernet Communication ports.

mV, Volts, RTD, Resistance, Potentiometer, mA, Thermocouples. Digital Input. Current 4-20mA, 0-20mA. 2 Relays. Power Supply Voltage 10-30Vdc
Modbus Master/Slave RS485/RS232 Modbus TCP Ethernet 10/100T Reverse polarity protection 60Vdc
Modbus TCP Ethernet 10/100T Modbus Master/Slave RS485/RS232
Between 45 and 80 mA PC Programmable Between Input/Comms/Power Supply 1500Vac.
For Industrial environments Material self-extinguishing Operating Temperature 14°F +140°F -10°C +60°C
Immunity EN 61000-6-2 Dimensions W x H x T 4" x 4 3/4 " x 7/8 " Storage Temperature -40°F +185°F-40°C +85°C
Emission EN 6100-6-4 100 x 120x x 22.5 mm Humidity (non condensing) 0-90%
Weight 3 oz 90 g

Analog Input  
Channel 0: mV -100 to 100mV, Volts -100mV to 10V, Current 4-20mA, 0-20mA. RTD Pt100, Pt 1000, Ni100, Ni1000. Resistance 0-2000, Ohm. Potentiometer 20-2000 Ohm. Thermocouple J,K,R,S,B,E,T, N.
Channel 1: mV -100 to 100mV. Volts -100mV to 10V. Current 4-20mA, 0-20mA.
Digital Input 4 Channels.
Threshold 0-3 Volts OFF 10-30V On.
Frequency 300 Hz Maximum.
Output Analog  
Channel 1 and 2 Current 4-20mA.
Output Digital 2 Relays SPDT 2 Amp at 250 V.
RS485: Port 1 Modbus RTU Master, Port 0 Modbus RTU Slave.
Ethernet: Ethernet 10Base-T, Modbus TCP.
Power Supply: Voltage 10 - 30 Vdc. Reverse polarity protection 60 Vdc.
Current Consumption: 80 mA max.
Temperature rating: Operative Temperature -4°F +140°F -20°C +60°C
Storage Temperature -40°F +185°F -40°C +85°C.
Humidity: (none condensing) 0-90%.
Housing: Material self-extinguishing.
Dimensions: W x L x H 4 x 4 3/4 x 1inch, 100 x 120 x 22.5mm.
Weight: 7 oz 200 g.
EMC. For industrial environments.
Immunity: EN 61000-6-2.
Emission: EN 61000-6-4.
Isolation: 1500Vac, 50Hz, 1 Minute.
Configuration: PC Configurable, DIP Switches.

DAT9000DLIO Wiring Diagram

Input. Channel 0 Channel 1
Thermocouple Positive 9 Negative 10 N/A
mV Positive 9 Negative 10 N/A
RTD and Resistance 2 Wire 8 and 10 N/A
RTD 3 Wire 8 and 10 Compensation 9 N/A
Potentiometer 8 and 10 Wiper 9 N/A
Volts Positive 11 Negative 10 Positive 14 Negative 16
mA Positive 12 Negative 10 N/A
mA Active N/A Positive 15 Negative 16
mA Passive N/A Positive 13 Negative 15
DI0 17 and 18  
DI1 17 and 19  
Output Analog    
Current Positive I Negative H Positive J Negative H
Output Digital    
Relay Common L, NO M, NC N. Common O, NO P, NC Q.
Power Supply (18-30Vdc). Positive E Negative F.  
Modbus RTU Master with Analog IO DAT9011 DAT9011 wiring Diagram.
Back to General Description
Application Note, Converting Modbus RTU to 4-20mA with DAT9011.
This application is converting an output from a Flow meter or Gas Analyzer with a Modbus RTU RS485 output into a 4-20mA using a Modbus RTU Master Controller DAT9011.
Printed Version


  1. It is important that you identify the Address, Baud rate, Parity, and Stop bit of the device which you are receiving the Modbus RTU (Flow-Meter or Gas Analyzer) signal from and identify the actual register which you want to read.
  2. There are two methods to communicate with the DAT9011. It is recommended you use the Ethernet method. Both the Ethernet and RS485 communication method have application notes on our download page.
  3. This application note starts where you have set the DAT9011 as the controller as per the Application Note “configure a Modbus Master RTU”.
Application note for Converting Modbus RTU to 4-20mA with DAT9011

Wiring connections for Modbus Flow Meter and Modbus Master Controller.

  1. Connect power to Flow meter and the Modbus RTU Master Controller.
  2. Connect the Flow meter Modbus Slave port to the DAT9011 Modbus Master Port.
  3. Connect CAT 5 crossover cable to the Ethernet port and PC.
  4. Connect 24 Vdc power supply and a multimeter to 4-20 mA output channel 0.
  5. Download Dev9K software from Datexel download page and run software.

Setting up Modbus Master.

  1. Starting from the prior application note, right click the IP Address and select “set as Controller”.
  2. On the drop down menu, right click “Search Sub Nodes”.
  3. The software will now search the Addresses until it finds a Datexel product.
Setting up Modbus Master.

Reading the Modbus Address.

  1. The default Address for a DAT9011 or any other DAT9(XXX) is 10.
  2. The Dev9K will now search from Address 1 up to Address 254. It can only see Datexel devices. The Datexel device must also be on the same Communication parameters.
  3. The Modbus software should now see 9011 (10).
  4. The search can be stopped at anytime by clicking the stop label.
Reading the Modbus Address.

Modbus Master Register Table.

  1. Now Click the R button in the yellow box to read the registers in the register table.
  2. Each time you click the yellow register table box the register table updates.
  3. If the register changes it is in red.
Modbus Master Register Table.

Setting up Modbus Master Communication port to the same as the flow-meter.
The devices will not communicate to each other unless they have the same Baud rate, Parity, and Stop bit.

  1. Click on Tools.
  2. From the drop down menu click Config.
Setting up Modbus Master comm port.

Setting up Modbus Master Buad Rate.

  1. Click on Comm.
  2. Select the Baud rate and other settings of the field instrument.
  3. Click the pencil in the bottom right to upload the changes to the Modbus Master Port 1.
  4. Finally click update.
  5. It is a good idea to close the box and open again to check that the comm port changes have been uploaded to the DAT9011. From the drop down menu click Config.
Setting up Modbus Master Buad Rate.

Now you are ready to write a Program to the DAT9011.

  1. Click the Project label at the top.
  2. Click New in the Drop down menu.
  3. The Program outline should open.
Program to the DAT9011

Insert Function Blocks.

The program is made up with a group of function blocks. More information on these function blocks are available in the DAT9xxx user guide. Importantly the first function block must be labeled start and the last function block must be a goto function block with the command return to start. You can insert a function block anywhere in the program with the Insert before or after label.

Insert Function Blocks.

Read input Function Block from flow meter.

  1. Right click on Function Block 1.
  2. On the drop down menu click Modify.
  3. Click Comm and select Read Input.
  4. Write start in the Label. (Important).
  5. We are now setting up the parameters of the flow-meter, so the DAT9011 can access them.
  6. Write the Address of the flow-meter in the Address box. Our example is 20.
  7. Write in the Register box the register where the flow rate is stored in the flow-meter. Our example is 14.
  8. Write how many registers you need to obtain.
  9. Write 36 in Dest. This is where the flow reading is transferred and stored on the DAT9011. You can only read this value after the program is run.
Read input Function Block from flow meter.

Set up the 4-20mA output.

  1. Right click on function block 2.
  2. On the drop down menu click Modify.
  3. Click Math and select Scale.
  4. There is no need to write anything in the Label.
  5. The source is where the flow meter reading is stored in the DAT9011. We have chosen register 36.
  6. Write in span and zero box the span and zero of the flow range.
  7. Write into Dest 32 which is the register for the 4-20mA output on the DAT9011.
  8. Span Out, and Zero Out is the 4-20mA range. 4000 equals 4 mA and 20000 equals 20 mA.
  9. Leave the Registers as Int and the numbers as K_Flt.
  10. Click OK.
Set up the Modbus Master 4-20mA output.

Modbus Master Goto Function block.

To make the program continuously run we have to insert a Goto function block.

  1. Click the Flow label and Click the Goto function block.
  2. Type start in the Block. It is important that it is in the same case as the label in the first function block.
  3. Click OK.
Modbus Master Goto Function block.

Saving the Project.

  1. Save the project.

Running the Project.

  1. Reconnect to the DAT9011 and make the DAT9011 the controller.
  2. Click the Debug button.
  3. Click the Download button, in the download drop down menu click OK.
  4. The software will now download from the PC to the DAT9011. The yellow led will flash slowly.
  5. It is very important now to click the Release mode and both the TX2 and RX2 LED’s will flash quickly.
  6. Now the program is stored in the DAT9011.
Modbus Master completed project.

Explanation of the Project.

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